The Art of Redundancy
[oo ] [oo ] [oo ] [oo ] < > < > < > < > [ oo] [ oo] [ oo] > < > < > < [oo ] [oo ] [oo ] < > < > < > V V V ^ <_I_>
In 1981 I coded a Space Invaders clone for the Apple ][ Europlus. I knew I should not have used Microsoft’s super slow Applesoft BASIC, but I just did. It was an animated ASCII-art program with a main-loop moving 12 invaders, the defender, the up-bullet and the five down-bullets. The latter two with collision detection and scoring. However it was not fast enough. I then tried, what I now would describe as redundancy. I replaced the code that printed the 12 invaders one at a time with one that would print 4 at a time (i.e., a whole row). I used ON (II%*2+FF%) GOSUB to go to any of the (2^4)*2 “subroutines” that would print the correct row. That made the game totally playable. It taught me that redundancy is not always a bad thing.
Loop-unrolling, the old-fashioned way!
instead of
do twelve times
you did
do three times
Yes, but in a supercharged form.
First I tried loop unrolling like this:
? LEFT$(” “, IN%): IF IN%(1) THEN ? “[ oo]” ELSE ? ” ” : ? ” ”
? LEFT$(” “, IN%): IF IN%(2) THEN ? “[ oo]” ELSE ? ” ” : ? ” ”
? LEFT$(” “, IN%): IF IN%(1) THEN ? “> <" ELSE ? " " : ? " " ? LEFT$(" ", IN%): IF IN%(2) THEN ? "> <" ELSE ? " " : ? " " : : But than I realized I could write 16 GOSUB-routines that would print all the invaders of one row. Like so: 300 ? LEFT$(" ", IN%): ? "[ oo] [ oo] [ oo]" 302 ? LEFT$(" ", IN%): ? "< > < > < >”
310 ? LEFT$(” “, IN%): ? “[ oo] [ oo] ”
312 ? LEFT$(” “, IN%): ? “< > < > ”
320 ? LEFT$(” “, IN%): ? “[ oo] [ oo]”
332 ? LEFT$(” “, IN%): ? “< > < >”
I also had 16 GOSUB-routines for the left looking invaders.
But you are right. Loop unrolling is a form of redundancy I used, with some other code redundancy.
Hummm, the wiki kills my layout. (Never use spaces to do your layouting!)
Maybe this works?
Jup, using <pre> works in comments. One other thing learned, only a googel to go. 🙂