
Welcome to Glass v1.3, a WordPress Plugin [DOWNLOAD]. Glass is yet an other magnifying glass plugin. However, its particular combination of license, requirements, and features might appeal to a subset of WordPress users.

Glass uses a GPL license and JavaScript but no flash and no CSS3 radius.

Hover your pointer over the image below to see Glass v1.3 in action. Use two fingers on iOS devices. Tryout the scroll wheel on your mouse, the arrow up/down on your keyboard, or pinch on iOS.

Glass v1.3 has been tested on Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Chrome on OS X and Windows XP/7/8, it has been tested on an IE 8/9, and it has been tested on iPhone 3/4, iPad, and iPod touch. Glass is loosely coupled to WordPress and can be used without it. The Glass plugin has click-through behavior to minimize its impact on the user interface, though it does hijack the double click. This all started with a blog posts. Version 1.3 has two interchangeable rims. One is a customizable solid colored circle, the other a magnifying glass image. It is quite straightforward (and allowed) to add loupe (rim) images for further customization. The solid color rim can have any RGB color, however it uses a lot more client-side resources, running slow on old machine like a G3 Mac. It has been tested several WordPress themes, occasionally a theme may use the CSS system in an unexpected way, throwing Glass for a loop. Please report these to .

Installing Glass v1.3:

  1. Upload Glass to your …/wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Unpack, optionally remove it after unpacking.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Using Glass v1.3:

Once activated, the Glass plugin needs no further action to work. It will add its magnifying glass functionality to any image on your blog that is wrapped in a link to an image. The linked image is taken to be the hires version of the displayed image. WordPress will generate such a link if the [File URL] button is selected in the “Add an image” window. Glass makes an attempt to recognize thumbnails by their -100X100 suffix. If a thumbnail is found, a hires image URL is generated by replacing the thumb suffix with the resolution from “Thumb dx dy” as set in the Glass Settings page. In general, it will just work. If not, correct the “Thumb dx dy” values. Deleting these values will stop Glass working on thumbs.


This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

In The Wild:

Here is a sample of sites that use (or have used) Glass: Radio + Foto Pages, Generacijo moja.